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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday Morning with Bro. Platania - "You and The Crowd" - 3/6/16

Audio File:  You and The Crowd


Exodus 23:2
2  Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:

Main Points

The strongest force of nature is Jesus Christ.
You can't change anything around you until God changes you.

When God changes you, you will change everything around you.

When you see crowds in the Bible, you see people who were influenced by those around them, a lot of times pertaining to life and death.

The crowd can affect your mind and your ability to make good decisions.

For example, when it came to Jesus and Parabus.
The crowd was blinded by the general thought to crucify a man who had done nothing wrong and free a criminal.

What you decide to do with your life can be influenced by the crowd. When it comes to living for Jesus, the crowd may influence you to steer a different way. It's easy to do what everyone else is doing.

 If you have a choice today to choose between Parabus and Jesus; life and death; you cannot let the crowd influence you to do what they are doing. You need to make up your mind on your own to pick life, pick Jesus.

A crowd cam hold you back.  If you need something from Jesus don't let the crowd hold you back. You need go to the alter, fight to the front, whatever you have to do to get to Jesus. You have to get desperate.

Don't worry about what others are going to think about you. People are too busy with their own issues to worry about yours. You need to step out and go for Jesus no matter what.

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