Calvary Apostolic Church Blog

Welcome to the official blog site of Calvary Apostolic Church of La Puente, California. We hope you enjoy your visit!

This blog is used to record our recent activities and to provide short bible studies and other information to anyone who is interested. If you like what you see, you can subscribe by using the links at the right.

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Calvary Apostolic Church - Contact Info

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Revival With Brother Franco Platania

We just wrapped up an exciting revival with one of our favorite Evangelists, Bro. Franco Platania.  He really blessed our Church and even had some words of prophesy for us.  If you'd like to find out more, you can access each of his messages using the following links:

01/08 - Burn Your Ships!
01/11 - It Works If You Drink It
01/13 - You Are Not Whosoever
01/15 - Fight For Your Future
01/16 - Are You Well Done?
01/17 - Learning To See Through Nothing
01/18 - The Healing Fingers Of God (Morning Service)
01/18 - Casting Your Garment Away (Evening Service)

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